Check out the photos of the fantastic warm-up performance assembly by our trampolining team ahead of their competition this weekend in our Sports Blog!
Don’t forget to check out the “Sports Blog” in the Parents’ Area for latest information about our performances in recent matches and competitions!
Photos from today’s Commendation assembly are now available in our Parents’ Area! Visit the “Presentations & Commendations” section for an overview of all Commendations this year.
Congratulations to our Bancroft’s Swimming Gala team for coming in first place this week! We beat nine other schools, inlcuidng Bancroft’s and Forest.
More images from our recent Lower Junior play “Pirates VS Mermaids” and Nursery Easter Bonnet Parade are now avaialble in our Parents’ Area! We wish all of you a lovely Easter break.
Photos from our International Day, Spring Concert, Sing Club performance are now available on our Parents’ Area – Lower Junior play photos coming soon!
Photos of our World Book Day assembly and costume competition are now available in the “School Productions & Assemblies” section of the Parents’ Area!
Photos of this week’s Commendation assembly are now available in the “Presentations & Commendations” section of the Parents’ Area!
Images and news from our sports results will be posted regularly on our Sports Blog! Check out the “Sports Events” sections of the Parents’ Area for more information.
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