
At Gatehouse School, Humanities, the teaching of History and Geography, are taught to the Upper Juniors from Year 3 upwards.  Lessons are rotated throughout the year to ensure an even balance throughout the key stages and cover a wide range of subjects encouraging study skills to support lessons across the curriculum.

As well as formal classroom-based lessons, at Gatehouse we believe that to extend a pupil’s learning we also need to provide educational opportunities through trips and visits, which are vital in providing real world experiences.

Pupils at Gatehouse are taught the importance of core skills such as map reading, exploring artefacts and posing questions.  Additionally, our pupils are provided with the opportunity to complete tasks that develop their critical thinking skills and decision making processes.  These structured activities provide pupils with the chance to feedback their findings through project work and independent research tasks helping them to develop important study skills.

Humanities also provides pupils with a meaningful context for writing; through note-taking, communicating and evaluating information from their studies and public speaking skills.

Drama activities which are stimulated by historical sources of evidence are also included in the lessons.  The broad range of activities that are carried out during humanities lessons at Gatehouse School help our pupils to understand the world around them in a meaningful context whilst equipping them for the future.