Art, Design & Technology

Here at Gatehouse School, from Year 1 each class receives designated Art, Design and Technology lessons, taught by a skilled specialist.

From Year 2 Art lessons are taught in our Art and Design Studio, where the children have access to a wide variety of tools and resources.

Children are taught a variety of practical skills to use when constructing both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional creations. They are encouraged to learn how to choose appropriate materials and processes, understand their specific uses, as well as portray their own artistic feelings and ideas.  Additionally they learn the invaluable skill of interpreting and evaluating their own work and that of others.

Gatehouse Upper Junior children visit galleries such as the Tate, National and Design Museum to take full advantage of specialist exhibitions to support topics. Children can also access after-school art clubs, as well as the annual Inter-House Art competition. Pupils and parents get to celebrate their achievements at yearly ‘open studio’ art exhibitions.