Reception Curriculum

Reception is the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage and our pupils continue to follow the Foundation Stage Profile which incorporates all seven areas of learning. There is a clear progression from Nursery in that the children learn through play and investigation, but more formally supported and scaffolded by the teacher. As in Nursery, Reports and Parents’ Evenings take place in the Autumn and Summer terms.

Once in Reception, the daily individual reading sessions begin. Every child at Gatehouse School has their progress tracked by the use of a reading log which is sent home daily. Homework also starts in Reception and is sent by email at the start of every half term. This gives parents an insight into the week’s learning objective.

At Gatehouse School all pupils are given opportunities to participate in both indoor and outdoor learning. This is made extremely easy with our new outdoor learning terraces which are accessed from each Reception class providing endless possibilities for child initiated learning through free-flow play and investigation.

Pupils at Gatehouse School have weekly swimming lessons which are taught in small groups at York Hall Swimming Baths in Bethnal Green, equipping each pupil with this essential life-skill.